Month: November 2010

Review: A Christmas Carol

Review: A Christmas Carol

Posted November 30, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 7 Comments

I’m embarrassed to say that I had not read this short story since middle school and had forgotten how magical and uplifting it is.  It was so refreshing to see the transformation and various levels of change of spirit that Ebenezer Scrooge goes though.  Tiny Tim is so adorable and heartwarming with his “God bless […]

Review: The Bungalow Mystery

Review: The Bungalow Mystery

Posted November 30, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 6 Comments

Reading these books makes me wish or fantasize that I could be more like Nancy. She’s sweet and personable, making friends almost everywhere she goes and dresses smartly in the latest fashion. Her father Carson Drew is a sharp, handsome lawyer including his daughter in all his legal actions. I also adore the 1930s, that […]

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long

Posted November 21, 2010 by Whitney in read-along / 4 Comments

  Dog-Eared & Bookmarked  is hosting A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long  to get into the holiday spirit.  Every year I watch It’s a Wonderful Life and the 1938 A Christmas Carol but haven’t actually read the book since high school.  A reread is defiantly in order. Weekly Schedule November 24-December 1: Stave One: Marley’s Ghost (pages […]

Review: Kings Of The Earth

Review: Kings Of The Earth

Posted November 20, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 4 Comments

The novel is told from various points of view flashing back to their childhood in the 30s to 1990 with the murder in question.  Through this, the reader grasps a better understanding for the boys, leading to what could have been the motive and that Audie and Creed were victims themselves. I have mixed feelings […]

Book Club: Tinkers

Book Club: Tinkers

Posted November 19, 2010 by Whitney in books / 5 Comments

Last night was our book club for the discussion of Tinkers.  It was a very split opinion on the book three not having read or finished, another three who detested it and two (myself included) who loved it. My mother, who didn’t finish it (she’s a very bad moderator) brought along some bad reviews via […]

Review: The Secret of the Old Clock

Review: The Secret of the Old Clock

Posted November 14, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 6 Comments

The Secret of the Old Clock is very nostalgic to me as it was the first Nancy Drew Mystery I read.  I was ten and on vacation and having run out of books to read was taken to the local bookstore.  My mom persuaded me to try Nancy Drew a favorite of hers growing-up.  I […]

Review: The Weed That Strings the Hangman’s Bag

Review: The Weed That Strings the Hangman’s Bag

Posted November 10, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 3 Comments

Flavia is such a precocious child that you can’t help but love her and route her on from the sidelines.  One thing that I found very interesting about The Weed That Strings the Hangman’s Bag is that a times it didn’t even feel like a mystery, the back story of the novel’s characters is so […]

Book Review: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

Book Review: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

Posted November 1, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 5 Comments

Having just finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo I thought I would be hard pressed  to come across as unique a heroine as Lisabeth  Salander, but that was before I met Flavia. Flavia de Luce is an 11-year-old chemistry enthusiast and with her candied insight and dry sense of humor comes off like a […]
