Monthly Review: September 2010
Currently Reading The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson Books Read Movies Watched:
Currently Reading The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson Books Read Movies Watched:
Director: Gurinder Chadha Writers: Jane Austen (novel), Paul Mayeda Berges Stars: Martin Henderson, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Nadira Babbar Release Date: March 11, 2005 Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice gets a Bollywood treatment. Maybe it’s because I’ve become accustom to Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy, but I had difficulty with Bride and Prejudice. Bride and Prejudice […]
Lisbeth Salander is the Nancy Drew for adults, she’s quick on her feet using her intellect to solve crime and revenge those who have wronged her. She may not be as attractive as Nan is described with her piercings and tattoos but is beautiful in her own way. I see Lisbeth Salander as a hip […]
I’m going to make this short and sweet. I did not like this book. At times, it felt more like a harlequin romance rather than historical fiction or fantasy. Hype can be a good thing but in this case it set my expectations too high so I think that was part of my dislike […]
As of recently, I’ve barely been home over the weekends and after becoming aware of Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-Thon thought that would be a great way to kick-off being a homebody again. The Read-a-Thon is on Oct 9, 2010 starting at 7am (central time) I participated in April’s read-a-thon and really enjoyed it so was […]
“Later that summer, when Mrs. Penmark looked back and remembered, when she was caught up in despair so deep that she knew there was no way out, no solution whatever for the circumstances that encompassed her, it seemed to her that June seventh, the day of the Fern Grammer School picnic, was the last day […]
Director: William Wyler Writers: W. Somerset Maugham (by), Howard Koch (screen play) Stars: Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall, James Stephenson Release Date: November 23, 1940 The wife of a rubber plantation administrator shoots a man to death and claims it was self-defense, but a letter in her own hand may prove her undoing. Stars: Bette Davis, […]
In my last post I brought up choosing books for future meetings by assigning “homework” to it’s members and coming up with a few titles themselves. Well, we didn’t do that, this isn’t because the meeting didn’t go well, because we did get three new members but the last three from the previous month where […]
Tonight is the second meeting of our book club, and depending on how it goes i.e. the turnout we’ll open for compling a list for future picks. If all goes well at the end of the meeting we’ll give “homework” to the group by choosing a few book ideas to bring to the next […]
Currently Reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon Books Read Movies Watched