Month: June 2010

The HUGE TBR Readathon

The HUGE TBR Readathon

Posted June 13, 2010 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 3 Comments

Okay, I obviously love to read, filling my free time during the week doing just that.  So when I stumbled upon The Huge TBR Readathon hosted by Kristen at Bookworming in the 21st Century it really seemed like a no-brainer.  Another reason why this event peaked my interest is because I am visiting my brother […]

Review: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

Review: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

Posted June 13, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 5 Comments

I loved this book growing up and still enjoyed it now.  I think this is because it has the fantasy element for children but has a religious undertone as well.  It has been greatly debated whether Aslan is to represent Christ.  Edmund, who when first entering Narnia was put under at trance by the White […]

Premio Dardos Award

Premio Dardos Award

Posted June 11, 2010 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 8 Comments

 “The Premio Dardos is a way to acknowledge the importance of bloggers committed to spreading cultural, ethical, literary and personal values, showing their letters and words.” Both Kate at Kate’s Library and Book Quoter at a thousand Books with Quotes  and Vaishnavi at Dust Jacket have bestowed upon me the Premio Dardos Award  “The Premio […]

Friday Memes #11

Friday Memes #11

Posted June 11, 2010 by Whitney in Friday Memes / 5 Comments

It’s Friday! Time for another Book Blogger Hop hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books The Hop is designed to discover great book bloggers and be discovered yourself. Not only can we discover new blogs but great books to add to the ever growing wish-list. So hop on over and join the fun! Save

Femme Fatale Fridays: Caroline Bingley

Femme Fatale Fridays: Caroline Bingley

Posted June 11, 2010 by Whitney in Femme Fatale / 10 Comments

“A Femme Fatale, translating to “Deadly Woman” in french, is an alluring, seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers in bonds of irresistible desire. Often this leads them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations.” ~ Wikipedia  I first discovered this class of women from 1930s and 40s film noir several years ago and was seduced […]

Wuthering Heights Wednesday Week 10

Wuthering Heights Wednesday Week 10

Posted June 9, 2010 by Whitney in read-along / 4 Comments

Wuthering Heights Wednesday is all about the Wuthering Heights Read-along hosted by Jill at Fizzy Thoughts with each week we will read three chapters from the classic novel and then post our thoughts on, you guessed it –Wednesday! Volume 2 Chapters 14-16 Synopsis: Cathy Jr and Linton are forced into matrimony.  Edgar finally dies, (you […]

Book Review: Sense and Sensibility

Book Review: Sense and Sensibility

Posted June 9, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 12 Comments

Sense and Sensibility is a novel of the Dashwoods. Mrs. Dashwood, a silly women focused on acquiring a comfortable fortune and abode along with marrying off her daughters well.  Elinor, a very sensible girl who always does the logical or right thing. Marianne who unlike her sister follows her heart and lives in the moment.  […]

48 Hour Book Challenge: The Finish Line

48 Hour Book Challenge: The Finish Line

Posted June 7, 2010 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 10 Comments

Well that’s it folks, that’s a wrap!  The 48 hour Book Challenge has ended as with a blissful weekend of reading.  I also apologize for the tardiness of this post but Blogger has not been kind to me so was unable to post till now. Final Stats Started: Friday, 11:30 am Finished: Sunday, 11 am  […]

48 Hour Book Challenge: Day Two

48 Hour Book Challenge: Day Two

Posted June 5, 2010 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 8 Comments

Several years ago my aunt went to a party hosted by a couple of gourmet chefs.  Determined to impress them decided to make a dessert– Death by Chocolate.  My aunt began baking the cake the day of the party; while the cake was in the oven she turned the page and to much horror read […]

48 Hour Book Challenge: The Starting Line

48 Hour Book Challenge: The Starting Line

Posted June 4, 2010 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 11 Comments

I’m so excited to be participating in my first 48 Hour Book Challenge hosted by MotherReader   I’ll try to check in regularly or when ever my eyes need a rest.  So with my collection of Jane Austen and a cup of tea by my side, I’m ready to start reading! Starting Line: Friday: 9:30 a.m. […]
