Month: June 2010



Posted June 25, 2010 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 10 Comments

I’m taking a bit of a hiatus while on vacation in Michigan.  Just me, a lake and a stack of books.  About fifteen years ago my family rented a cabin in the woods for two weeks.  At the end of the first week my mom, brother and I drove home as school was starting and […]

Rebecca 1940

Rebecca 1940

Posted June 24, 2010 by Whitney in movie review / 7 Comments

You had me at Hitchcock.  And if that wasn’t enough you can also throw in the great Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine.  These three mainstays of Golden Hollywood are all involved with the mysterious Rebecca. Rebecca is the story of an unnamed girl who marries the wealthy Maxim de Winter who was ruined after the […]

Review: Cranford

Review: Cranford

Posted June 24, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 12 Comments

Cranford is a small town which is high in the population of female.  In the first section of the book, every male who enters the town drops like flies making it feel jinxed or like an old-fashioned sorority. Elizabeth Gaskell’s novel is a sequence of short stories that all intertwine.  I’m typically not a short […]

Review: Prince Caspian

Review: Prince Caspian

Posted June 21, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 9 Comments

Lucy and her vivid imagination and determination to believe enables her to see Aslan first, convincing her siblings that he has returned being beneficial to their quest. Cheers and hope are sounded by his return uplifting the reader’s heart. This is until, Peter must duel Miraz and then one is holding their breath. I must […]

The Huge TBR Readathon Ends

The Huge TBR Readathon Ends

Posted June 21, 2010 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 4 Comments

Kristen at Bookworming in the 21st Century hosted the first Huge TBR Readathon, a week long event lasting from June 14 -20.  My reading was very sporadic during the week, an hour here an hour there, therefore I’m not sure how many hours I actually spent reading but I think it was 20ish. Here’s what […]

Femme Fatale Fridays: Fanny Dashwood

Femme Fatale Fridays: Fanny Dashwood

Posted June 18, 2010 by Whitney in Femme Fatale / 10 Comments

“A Femme Fatale, translating to “Deadly Woman” in french, is an alluring, seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers in bonds of irresistible desire. Often this leads them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations.” ~ Wikipedia  I first discovered this class of women from 1930s and 40s film noir several years ago and was seduced […]

Friday Memes #12

Friday Memes #12

Posted June 18, 2010 by Whitney in Friday Memes / 9 Comments

It’s Friday! Time for another Book Blogger Hop hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books The Hop is designed to discover great book bloggers and be discovered yourself. Not only can we discover new blogs but great books to add to the ever growing wish-list. So hop on over and join the fun! For those […]

Character Connection: Lucy Pevensie

Character Connection: Lucy Pevensie

Posted June 17, 2010 by Whitney in Meme / 11 Comments

The Introverted Reader is hosting a weekly meme entitle Character Connection We all have characters we love. Let’s spotlight these fantastic creations! Whether you want to be friends with them or you have a full-blown crush on them, you know you love them and want everyone else to love them too! First off, Lucy Pevensie […]

Wuthering Heights Wednesday Week 11

Wuthering Heights Wednesday Week 11

Posted June 16, 2010 by Whitney in read-along / 11 Comments

Wuthering Heights Wednesday is all about the Wuthering Heights Read-along hosted by Jill at Fizzy Thoughts with each week we will read three chapters from the classic novel and then post our thoughts on, you guessed it –Wednesday! Volume II Chapters 17-20 Synopsis: Heathcliff dies and Hareton and Cathy II fall in love and make […]

Cranford Read-Along Part One

Cranford Read-Along Part One

Posted June 15, 2010 by Whitney in read-along / 5 Comments

Allie at A Literary Odyssey is hosting a Cranford Read-Along in two parts.  Today being part one, discussing Chapters 1-8 Elizabeth Gaskell’s novel Cranford is a witty piece of Victorian literature, with the town Cranford being based off of Knutsford in Cheshire.  Cranford is not so much a novel than a series of short stories […]
