Both books were very enjoyable and also very different from one another. It was a nice change of pace. I think we are all ready for Spring, unfortunately snow is being predicted tonite so I may have to wait a little longer.
Thanks Maya, I switched blog names when I moved to WordPress. I was in need of a change and now seemed like the time. All is well in Middleton, I hope it is the same for you too.
Rowling has some great quotes, I know I’ve liked a few on Goodreads. I love the Harry Potter movies almost as much as the books — they do a great representation of the series.
I’m adding the Jance book to my wishlist on GR. I used to read her books, a few from each series, and I enjoyed the Ali Reynolds one the most. Sounds like a fun, easy read. Thanks for sharing.
Another month of 2016 in the books! I’m not familiar with the titles your reviewed, but I hope you enjoyed them! Have a great March! Bring on Spring!
My Monthly Rewind
Both books were very enjoyable and also very different from one another. It was a nice change of pace. I think we are all ready for Spring, unfortunately snow is being predicted tonite so I may have to wait a little longer.
I didn’t know you changed your blog name! I like it
Hope you’re doing well! xx
Thanks Maya, I switched blog names when I moved to WordPress. I was in need of a change and now seemed like the time. All is well in Middleton, I hope it is the same for you too.
I’ve just been looking at quotes on Goodreads. J.K. Rowling has some really good ones. I’ve only seen one Harry Potter Movie. Enjoy the series.
Rowling has some great quotes, I know I’ve liked a few on Goodreads. I love the Harry Potter movies almost as much as the books — they do a great representation of the series.
I’m adding the Jance book to my wishlist on GR. I used to read her books, a few from each series, and I enjoyed the Ali Reynolds one the most. Sounds like a fun, easy read. Thanks for sharing.
I really like the Ali Reynolds series too. I love the characters Jance has created and spins a captivating plot as well.
Ah Harry Potter so many readers love that series. Glad you’ve been indulging!
I indulge in them every winter, it is a series that makes me happy.
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